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Dr. Joe Stevens

Turnitin Authorship Works Alongside University Admins to Ensure Original Work

As a former police officer, Dr. Joe Stevens was immediately attracted to Turnitin Authorship, which utilizes forensic technology to address contract cheating. Joe saw the potential of this tool aiding both academic misconduct cases in higher education and overall academic integrity awareness: “We’ve had to look at this [with] a holistic approach, not just use of the technology but how that’s going to fit into new policies and procedures.”

Joe, Principal Lecturer and LLB Course Leader at Bloomsbury Institute, has presented on traditional plagiarism issues and identified that contact cheating “was on the rise and was an issue” at various conferences. Now, Joe is a champion of Authorship’s adoption at Bloomsbury and as an instructor for campus-wide Integrity Matters programmes, ensuring students and faculty alike are clear in their understanding of plagiarism:

“We try and do our best to educate before submission about the low quality and how we will detect it… Again, I come from a background of policing where you’ve got to have transparency. You’ ve got to have openness.”

Check out all of the 2019 Global Innovator stories here!

Global Innovator Award 2019
United Kingdom And Ireland, Higher Ed
We live in an academic environment where we are evidence-based and we always like to see what the evidence is and yet when we're looking at somebody's work, often it comes down to almost a gut feeling that you just don't feel this is the student's work.
Dr. Joe Stevens
Principal Lecturer, LLB Course Leader
Bloomsbury Institute, UK
Global Innovator Award 2019
United Kingdom And Ireland, Higher Ed