Turnitin launches iThenticate 2.0 to help maintain integrity of high stakes content with AI writing detection
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Gregory Dean

Turnitin as an Educational Tool

Gregory works at an institution covering an area over 800,000 km2 (larger than the state of Texas!), which has 130 campuses and over half a million vocational students. He is acknowledged as a champion of Turnitin by fellow staff, promoting the use and effectiveness of Turnitin as an educational tool for students. Greg has effected a cultural change in the organisation in the way academic staff have embraced the use of Turnitin to enhance their practice as professional educators.

“I think of Turnitin in real terms, that the staff have the ability to assist students with all of the …., fundamentals of academic writing, referencing, proper acknowledgement and then developing academic skills as they actually learn.”

Greg was a Turnitin Global Award Honourable Mention in 2015

I think of Turnitin in real terms, that the staff have the ability to assist students with all of the …., fundamentals of academic writing, referencing, proper acknowledgement and then developing academic skills as they actually learn.”
Gregory Dean
Lead Coordinator, Associate Degree of Accounting
TAFE NSW Higher Education, Australia