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Academic Integrity for the Community College League of California

New realities require new standards to ensure academic integrity. Join the Turnitin team in this exclusive webinar for the Community College League of California.

Research shows that secondary and postsecondary students don’t understand or recognize the nuances of plagiarism and other forms of cheating. A study indicates that 95% of secondary students admitted to some form of cheating while in school, such as plagiarism, contract cheating, or cheating on a test.

At the same time, there’s an expectation that teachers should be able to identify academic misconduct in all of its varied forms and be able to intercept and provide formative intervention to get students back onto the path of academic integrity. But this can be too high of an expectation to place on faculty without support.

Join this exclusive webinar to learn how Turnitin’s new standard in academic integrity, Turnitin Originality, equips teachers and staff to identify signs, use technology, and help remediate and retain quality students even when they make poor decisions.

Date: 04/23
Time: 10 am PT

You'll receive a link to join the session upon registration.
