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Virtual Event   ·  

Reducing Contract Cheating Session 2

Contract cheating represents an international threat to the value of academic awards. Students using third parties to complete their essays and assignments are missing out on key learning opportunities

Contract cheating represents an international threat to the value of academic awards. Students using third parties to complete their essays and assignments are missing out on key learning opportunities.

You are invited to register for an interactive webinar on contract cheating, presented by Dr. Thomas Lancaster and Dr. Irene Glendinning, sponsored by the International Center for Academic Integrity (ICAI) and organized by Turnitin. The webinar will discuss contract cheating, including recent developments in the contract cheating industry and consider why we need to take action to address contract cheating. The webinar will launch the fourth International Day of Action against Contract Cheating, which takes place on October 16, 2019, and provide opportunities for you to make suggestions and ask questions about the event.

A recording will be made of each webinar which will be available after the event.
